No contract. Cancel anytime. Our website maintenance plans are month-to-month. If you need website help, we'll do it for you. From daily maintenance and security to having a personal Webmaster available to do edits and changes for you, we provide peace of mind. You're all set.
This is our basic website management package for security and monitoring.
This is our expanded website management package for security, monitoring and website changes.
This is our total management package for security, monitoring and more website changes.
We perform daily tasks as a part of our website maintenance services and security management:
24/7 uptime monitoring, plugin updates, theme updates, WordPress core updates, daily website backups, malware scans, malware removal, firewall management, brute force protection, and more. And if you need website changes, design edits, fixes and troubleshooting, our Webmaster and eCommerce plans include those services as well.
You can email your requests. If we have questions, we can reply to your comment which notifies you so you can respond.
If you exhaust all your monthly time, you can wait for your time to reset or purchase additional hours as you see fit. If your tasks are not urgent, we can wait for your time to reset and then resume work on remaining / additional tasks. If your tasks are urgent or you just don't want to wait, you can purchase additional time as-needed ($79/hr) and we can resume work right away. It's up to you.
Yes, we do support certain eCommerce platforms such WooCommerce for WordPress, Wix Stores, SquareSpace shops, and others. Website's with online store are more complex and require advanced maintenance and security. Our eCommerce plan includes the support features and more monthly time to support the needs and added complexity that eCommerce sites have.
No contracts. All our website maintenance services and management plans are month-to-month. You can cancel anytime with no cancellation fees. Simply cancel before your next payment renews to stop service and any future charges. While there are no refunds (with the exception of a billing mistake), you are free to cancel or resume at anytime.
That’s okay – even if you don't have needs, your website does. We proactively perform website maintenance and security tasks on a daily basis. This ensures that your website stays online, remains up to date, continues to function properly, appears correctly to visitors, and remains secure against all threats.
Our basic plan is a great fit for people who don't need website edits or changes, but just need someone to handle the daily maintenance, upkeep, and security that's required so the website keeps running and stays safe.
Yes – security is included with all our website maintenance service plans. We perform the following security tasks on a daily basis:
24/7 uptime monitoring, daily malware & virus scans, malware & virus removal, daily backups, SSL maintenance, encryption, site hardening, firewall maintenance, brute force protection, IP Blocking, and more.
Yes - you can use your monthly time towards web design. We can edit a current page, create a new page, modify your design or theme, change images, add blog posts, edit text, and more.
While there's a lot of differences in individual features, the main difference is the core services elements. For example...
The Basic plan includes daily maintenance and website security - website upkeep, plugin updates, site security, malware removal, and backups for worst case scenarios. If you simply need someone to handle the technical stuff to make sure the site keeps running and stays safe, this plan is for you.
The Expanded and Full plans are a better fit if you need website edits, content updates, or design changes from time to time. These plans include a personal webmaster who's dedicated to you and your website requests. Edits, changes, fixes, and troubleshooting are included.
The major difference between our Expanded and Full plans is that the Full plan has twice the monthly time and also allows us to support shopping cart functionality, products changes, payment processing functionality, and other tasks that are unique to online stores.