6 Instagram Reel Ideas for Your Business

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6 Instagram Reel Ideas for Your Business

Six is the perfect amount of ideas to get you started with growing your Instagram following. It can be hard trying to come up with new ways every week or month to show off what you're doing. At ContentIntelligent we always help you have fresh ideas for your business. The 6 Reel ideas are below:

Idea #1 - How you Started Your Business?

Creating a Reel to introduce yourself or your business may help you reach out to thousands of people. People enjoy hearing stories, and sharing an inspiring tale can go a long way. It's also a good idea to share stories that your target audience can connect with. While producing these videos, keep in mind that you need to be able to communicate with both your current and potential future audiences. To stay engaged and gain more followers, businesses and brands must be able to keep in touch with their consumers.


Idea #2 - Behind the Scenes

Creating a Reel showing behind the scenes is a great way to show what it looks like when you're on location or meeting clients or giving a presentation about your work. Behind the scenes videos might be about the manufacturing process, package orders, bloopers, or even showing your customers the real side of your company. people love seeing other people doing their best work, also people enjoy seeing the unedited side of your business and how things function, whether you're a small firm or a well-known brand.


Idea #3 - Before and After Comparison

Before and after videos are a great way to increase engagement on social media platforms. Your before, during or after can be related to your brand at all levels of production- from the voiceover through postproduction work in order for people to see what you're working with day by day!

It should also have an intriguing tone so they stay tuned into it when things get talked about later down line which will lead them back here too! People love seeing the result, but it can be hard for them to know how you got there in just one video! Being able to share quick Reels of your projects will give people insight they need so that their engagement with YOU goes up even more.


Idea #4 - Sneak peeks of Upcoming Products/Collaborations/Designs

When you want to get your audience's attention, sneak peek reels are a great way. You can use the brand itself or an influencer for this content type and it'll leave viewers wondering what they're in store for! With popular brands collaborating together on these promo clips its easy not only get more people interested but also grow that following of dedicated followers who love seeing new things before anyone else does.


Idea #5 - Highlight Your Products

Brands may now utilize Instagram Shopping on their Reels, a new capability introduced in December 2020. Some businesses use Instagram Live Shopping, where they show off their goods to the public live on video. You don't have to be live to advertise your items any longer; you can do it through your Reels.

Instagram Reels allow businesses to showcase a wide range of items and add a descriptive description, which will pique the attention of the audience. Brands may also use their Instagram shop to tag their products in their posts, making it easier for potential customers to click on the item itself and see all of the information available about it.


Idea #6 - Settle any Concerns by Answering Queries

Another way to get engagement from your followers can be by answering their questions. You might think that this will take away time for you, but when people see how much effort and thought went into taking care of them, they'll love ya even more!

People will be curious about your brand, and you'll get the same inquiries from numerous potential consumers. Making a Reel based on the most frequently asked queries about your business is the easiest method to reply to these inquiries, as opposed to responding back to each question individually.


These six Instagram Reel ideas can be used for commercial businesses, brands, and creative agencies. They are also the perfect way to expand your Instagram following. Have these been helpful? We have many more tips, guides and useful information on our blog. check it out! Also follow us on our Instagram so you don't miss anything!