5 Social Media Marketing Myths
Social media marketing is the act of promoting your product or service via social media websites. Since it's so new, most people are often confused about how to do it right and whether what they're doing even works. Below are five common myths that will help you understand more about this process.
#1 Myth: You need to be on every social media site out there
People have a misconception that they have to be on every social media website. To correct this, you need to find out what your target demographic uses. If it's teenagers, then you should focus on the big ones like Facebook and Twitter. But if your clients are older adults, you can ignore places like Tumblr or Pinterest.

#2 Myth: You need to post constantly on social media sites
While it's important to be present on your account (you never know when a client might drop in), you don't have to constantly post. If you go back and look at some of the most successful companies, they had periods where their posts were sparse or non-existent. If you do this correctly, it will build anticipation and trust in your company.

#3 Myth: You need to talk about your brand on every social media account
Some companies think that they have to always mention their brand or product name on their accounts. This is not true at all. What's most important is that you give customers an engaging, entertaining experience. If they want to know more about your company, they'll look at your website's About Us section.

#4 Myth: You need to engage people on social media sites
Social media is not a one way street where you can just push out information and expect it to work. Engagement is the key word here. Make sure that you reply to people's comments or questions. If they ask for more information, make sure it's readily available on your site.

#5 Myth: Social media happens magically
This happens if you want it to happen. No social media account will work without effort and dedication. That means putting in the time to understand what the company's target market is and why people use social media in the first place. If you can't dedicate yourself to this task, it will never work out.

If you follow these five simple rules, then your company should be able to dominate social media in no time. Make sure that you're consistent and willing to adapt with the times if needed.